Does Rainy Weather Help Relieve Allergic Symptoms?

Whether rain helps allergies or not depends on the allergy types. It's good for pollen allergy and asthma; but with mold allergy, symptoms could be worsened.

According to a research conducted by American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, nearly forty percent of children and twenty percent of adults undergo seasonal allergies. The victims know their symptoms very well, which include running nose, itchy eyes and sore throat. Most of these allergies originated from the presence of pollen in the air. Lambs, curly dock, ragweed, pigweed, quarters, plantain, sagebrush, and sheep sorrel are the main producers of pollen, according to the National Institutes of Environmental Health Sciences. Sometimes rain can help reduce the allergy, but sometimes it can contribute to it.

Does Rain Help Allergies?

The answer to this question depends on the type of allergy you have. For instance, it can be a good thing for those with asthma as rain washes away pollen and many other pollutants in the air. Also, rain is good for tree pollen sufferers as it removes any tree pollen. However, rain is good for one day or two when it falls and washes away pollen, but after the rain stops, more pollen will be generated. Also, rain brings an increase in mold counts and dampness, leading to a generation of mold spores, and this affects those who are allergic to mold.

How Does Weather Affect Allergies?

Sometimes people find that their eyes get watery during a windy period. Others get stuffy during the rain, and you might ask yourself "does rain help allergies". You shouldn't be surprised as weather contributes mainly to allergy. The symptoms you get and how it is related to weather mainly depend on the kind of allergy you have. These are the common weather conditions that trigger an allergy.

1. Dry, Windy Days

Those who are allergic to pollen may obtain hay fever when the wind blows the dust into the air.

2. Cold Air

Cold air triggers coughing fit for those with allergic asthma mainly during exercise outside the house.

3. Heat

During summer, air pollution reaches critical levels. Smog and Ozone can trigger allergies for people with allergic asthma.

4. Change of Season

  • Spring – Some regions with low temperature tend to release pollens in February or March and the primary allergy during spring is caused by tree pollens.
  •  Summer – During this time, grass pollen, ragweed, and other weeds are the main things that trigger reactions. Grass pollen dominates in early summer. Later on, ragweed and others take over.
  •  Fall – When frost formation takes place in October, ragweed season ends. Mold reaches a peak at this time in cold states.
  •  Winter – During winter, people tend to stay indoors. Allergies to dust mites and pet dander become common.

What Else Can Make Allergies Worse?

Now that you know the answer to "does rain help allergies", you may wonder if there are anything else that can worsen your symptoms. Try to avoid the following objects.

1. Certain Fruits and Veggies

You might find yourself having a problem when it comes to eating certain fruits and vegetables. This condition is called oral allergy syndrome, and pollen allergy patients tend to be affected by this, according to Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America. The reason is that there exist protein on the surface of certain raw produces such as tomatoes, apples, and cantaloupe. Pollen and proteins are similar. When you swallow this food protein, your body responds the same way as it reacts to pollen, causing symptoms like a cough, itchy mouth and throat. Peeling and cooking the raw foods will avoid the chance for a life threating risk. Around 2% of the people suffering from oral allergy syndrome can have severe symptoms.

2. Contact Lenses

Wearing contact lenses can lead to a series of problems, especially if pollen falls and gets trapped in your eyes. Contact lenses, especially the soft ones, tend to absorb airborne irritants. The irritants are mainly smoke and pollen. If you wear contacts, pick the ones that you can dispose daily to avoid dust build-up.

3. Stress

You tend to sniff when stressed. Research conducted by Ohio State University showed that people with high-stress levels tend to encounter more flare-ups. It can be best avoided by chilling out and finding anything that can help reduce stress.

4. Alcohol

Wine and alcohol can increase allergies to high levels. Beer and wine contain a substance called sulfites which some people react sensitively to it. A study by Danish Clinical & Experimental Allergy showed that women who have up to 14 drinks in a week had high chances of developing stuffy nose, compared with those who drink less.

5. Improper Medication

Sometimes picking the right medication can be challenging since most drugs claim to cure your sneezing and sniffles. There are mainly two categories of medicines for allergies: decongestants which relieve congestion, and antihistamines which help with sneezing and runny nose. It's good to know which over-the-counter drugs are good for you before taking them.

6. Added Fragrance

Added fragrance can irritate your nasal passage and eyelid linings. It's hard to avoid the street or department store's smell, but you can eliminate the scent from your home.

7. Chlorinated Pool

Coming in contact with chlorinated pool can accelerate allergies. It works just like perfumes. The moment you smell it, it has entered your body. Chlorinate in indoor pools is usually more concentrated than the outdoor ones.

8. Clothes

It's advisable to wash clothes after every wear during allergy season, especially the sticky and rough clothes, since they hold pollen and dust. You can wear clothes made from cotton since they are easy to clean.

9. Smoke

A study found in The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology showed how tobacco affected ragweed allergy victims. The study showed that people exposed to both ragweed and secondhand smoke had 16.6 times more allergen antibody IgE than those exposed to clean air and ragweed.

10. Pets

It's a good idea to wipe off your pets since a dog or cat can carry pollen on its fur or paws and cause allergy flare.



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